- Details
Born on 28 May 1966 in Weert, the Netherlands.
Professional Address:
Boschstraat 24
NL-6211 TC Maastricht
Research interests:
The economics of technological change and innovation, economic growth and development, macroeconomics, evolutionary approaches to economics, international trade, structural change, technology spillovers, science and technology indicators, history of technological change and economic history.
- Details
Soete, L. and B. Verspagen, 2010, 'Remembering Christopher Freeman's work at MERIT', African Journal on Science, Technology, Innovation, and Development, vol. 2, pp. 175-183.
Windrum, P. and B. Verspagen, 2009, Introduction to a Special Issue on the regional Dimensions of Innovation, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 20, pp. 161-162. Link at publisher/DOI
Verspagen, B., 2004, book review of A.B. Jaffe and M. Trajtenberg, Editors, Patents, Citations & Innovations: A Window on the Knowledge Economy, MIT Press, 2002, in Research Policy, vol. 33, pp. 1709-1711. Link at publisher/DOI
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De Boer, P.J., Faber, D., Gielen, M., De Haas van Dorsser, S., Den Hertog, P., Janssen, M., Vankan, A. & B. Verspagen, 2019, Evaluatie WBSO 2011-2017, Utrecht: Dialogic, link at government website
Listed Contributor to the joint 2019 ADB-BAPPENAS Report "Policies to Support the development of Indonesia's Manufacturing Sector during 2020-2014", Asian Development Bank. DOI
Listed Contributor to the 2016 Asian Development Outlook, Asian Development Bank, Part 3 "Asia's Potential Growth", link at the ADB
Den Hertog, P., A. Vankan, B. Verspagen, P. Mohnen, L. Korlaar, B. Erven. M. Janssen, en B. Minne, Evaluatie innovatiebox 2010-2012, Dialogic research report. Link at Dutch parliament website.
Verspagen, 2015, 'Technological change, structural transformation and economic growth', chapter 2 in Industrial Development Report 2016. The role of technology and innovation in inclusive and sustainable industrial Development, UNIDO, Vienna, pp. 21-48 (the report does not attribute authorship specifically to the chapter).
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Fagerberg, J. and B. Verspagen, (2021), Technological Revolutions, Structural Change, and Catching up, in: Foster McGregor, N., Alcorta, L, Szirmai, A. & B. Verspagen (eds.), 2021, new Perspectives on Structural Change, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 131-155.
Nomaler, Ö and B. Verspagen, (2021), Patterns of Diversification and Specialization in International Trade, in: Foster McGregor, N., Alcorta, L, Szirmai, A. & B. Verspagen (eds.), 2021, new Perspectives on Structural Change, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 298-318.
Nomaler, Ö, Verspagen, B and A. van Zon, (2021), Structural Change, Economic Development, and the Labour Market, in: Foster McGregor, N., Alcorta, L, Szirmai, A. & B. Verspagen (eds.), 2021, new Perspectives on Structural Change, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 577-595.
Nomaler, Ö, Verspagen, B and A. van Zon, (2020), The Role of Innovation in Structural Change, Economic Development, and the Labor Market, in: K. Zimmermann & M. Vivarelli (Eds), Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer, Cham., link at publisher
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