Fagerberg, J. and B. Verspagen, (2021), Technological Revolutions, Structural Change, and Catching up, in: Foster McGregor, N., Alcorta, L, Szirmai, A. & B. Verspagen (eds.), 2021, new Perspectives on Structural Change, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 131-155.
Nomaler, Ö and B. Verspagen, (2021), Patterns of Diversification and Specialization in International Trade, in: Foster McGregor, N., Alcorta, L, Szirmai, A. & B. Verspagen (eds.), 2021, new Perspectives on Structural Change, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 298-318.
Nomaler, Ö, Verspagen, B and A. van Zon, (2021), Structural Change, Economic Development, and the Labour Market, in: Foster McGregor, N., Alcorta, L, Szirmai, A. & B. Verspagen (eds.), 2021, new Perspectives on Structural Change, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 577-595.
Nomaler, Ö, Verspagen, B and A. van Zon, (2020), The Role of Innovation in Structural Change, Economic Development, and the Labor Market, in: K. Zimmermann & M. Vivarelli (Eds), Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer, Cham., link at publisher
Farla, K., Guadagno, F. & B. Verspagen, 2015, Industrial Policy in the European Union, in: Felipe, J. (ed.), Development and Modern Industrial Policy in Practice. Issues and Country Experiences, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 346-396
Fagerberg, J. & B. Verspagen, 2015, 'One Europe or Several? Causes and Consequences of the European Stagnation', in: Fagerberg, J., Laestadius, S. & B.R. Martin (eds), The Triple Challenge for Europe Economic Development, Climate Change, and Governance, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp.
Fagerberg, J., Srholec, M. & B. Verspagen, 2010, Innovation and Economic Development, in: Hall, B. H. and Rosenberg, N. (eds), Handbook of the Economics of Innovation, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 833 - 872
Soete, L., Verspagen, B. & B. ter Weel, 2010, Systems of Innovation, in: Hall, B. H. and Rosenberg, N. (eds), Handbook of the Economics of Innovation, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1159-1180
Verspagen, 2008, 'Challenged Leadership or Renewed Vitality? The Netherlands', in Edquist, C. & L. Hommen (eds), Small Country Innovation Systems. Globalization, Change and Policy in Asia and Europe, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp. 319 - 354
Los, B. and B. Verspagen, 2007, 'Technology Spillovers and their Impact on productivity', in: H. Hanusch & A. Pyka (eds), Elgar Companion to neo-Schumpeterian Economics, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp. 574-593.
Verspagen, B., 2007, Innovation and Economic Growth: A Schumpeterian Legacy and Agenda, in: F. Malerba & S. Brusoni (eds), Perspectives on Innovation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 42-63.
Ho, M.C. and B. Verspagen, 2006, 'The role of national borders and regions in knowledge flows', in: Lorenz, E. & B-A Lundvall (eds), How Europe's economies learn, Oxford: Oford University Press, pp. 50-79.
Verspagen, B., 2006, 'Small worlds and technology networks: the case of European research collaboration', in: Caloghirou, Y., Constantelou, A. and N.S. Vonortas (eds), Knowledge Flows in European Industry, London/New York: Routledge, pp. 299-318.
Nuvolari, A., Verspagen, B. & N. von Tunzelmann, 2006, 'The diffusion of the steam engine in eighteenth-century Britain', in: Pyka, A. & H. Hanusch (eds), Applied Evolutionary Economics and the Knowledge-Based Economy, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 166-200.
Meister, C. and B. Verspagen, 2006, 'European Productivity Gaps: Is R&D the Solution?', in: Mundschenck, S., Stierle, M.H., Stierle-von Schütz, U. & I. Traistaru (eds), Competitiveness and Growth in Europe. Lessons and Policy Implications for the Lisbon Strategy, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 179-201.
Silverberg, G. and B. Verspagen, 2005, ‘Evolutionary Theorizing on Economic Growth’, in: K. Dopfer (ed.), The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics, Cambridge University Press, pp. 506 - 539.
Verspagen, B., 2005, Innovation and Economic Growth, in: Fagerberg, J., Mowery, D.C. and Nelson, R.R. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 487-513, and Italian translation of this: Innovazione e crescita economica, in: Fagerberg, J., Mowery, D.C. and Nelson, R.R. (eds), Innovazione. Imprese, industrie, economie, Roma: Carocci editore, pp. 241-270
Verspagen, B., 2004, ‘Çrescimento e integração europeia’, in: Salavisa Lança, I., Suleman, F. and de Fátima Ferreiro, M. (Eds), Portugal ea Sociedade do Conhecimento, CELTA: Eoreias, pp. 5 - 28.
Courvisanos, J. and B. Verspagen, 2004, Innovation and Investment in Capitalist Economies 1870-2000: Kaleckian Dynamics and Evolutionary Life Cycles, in: Wray, L.L. and M. Forstater (eds), Contemporary Post Keynesian Analysis, Edward Elgar: Aldershot, pp. 205-226.
Verspagen, B., 2003, ‘Changement Structurel et technologie: mise en perspective’, in: Archambault, E. et Boëda, M. (éds), Compabilité Nationale. Mesure de la nouvelle économie, Economica: Paris.
Verspagen, B., 2003, ‘Intellectual Property Rights in the World Economy’, in: O. Granstrand (ed.), Economics, Law and Intellectual Property. Seeking Strategies for Research and Teaching in a Developing Field, Boston etc.: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 489-518.
Silverberg, G. and B. Verspagen, 2003, ‘Long Memory and Economic Growth in the World Economy Since the 19th Century, Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 612, Berlin, etc.: Springer Verlag, pp. 270-285.
Caniëls, M.C.J. and B. Verspagen, 2003, ‘Spatial Distance in a technology Gap Model’, in: Fingleton, B. (ed.), European Regional Growth (Series: Advances in Spatial Science), Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 159-182.
Cappelen, Å, Castellacci, F., Fagerberg, J. and B. Verspagen, 2003, ‘Regional Disparities in Income and Unemployment in Europe’, in: Fingleton, B. (ed.), European Regional Growth (Series: Advances in Spatial Science), Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 332-350.
Verspagen, B., 2003, ‘Wachstum und Strukturwandel: Trends, Muster und Politikoptionen’, in: Gries, T., Jungmittag, A. and P.J.J. Welfens, Neue Wachtums- und Innovationspolitik in Deutschland und Europa, Heidelberg: Physica Verlag, pp. 91-116.
Fagerberg, J. and B. Verspagen, 2000, ‘Productivity, R&D Spillovers and Trade’, in: B. Van Ark, S.K. Kuipers and G. Kuper, Productivity, Technology and Economic Growth, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 345-360.
Verspagen, B., 1999, ‘A Global Perspective on Technology and Economic Performance, and the Implications for the Post-Socialist Countries’, in: Dyker, D.A. and S. Radosevic (eds.), ‘Innovation and Structural Change in Post-Socialist Countries: A Quantitative Approach’, Dordrecht: Kluwer Publishers, pp. 27-44.
Fagerberg, J. and B. Verspagen, 1999, ‘Modern Capitalism in the 1970s and 1980s’, in: Setterfield, M. (ed.), Growth, Employment and Inflation. Essays in Honour of John Cornwall, London: Macmillan Press.
Fagerberg, J., Guerrieri, P. and B. Verspagen, 1999, ‘Europe - A Long View’, Introductory chapter in: Fagerberg, J., Guerrieri, P. and B. Verspagen, (eds.), 1999, The Economic Challenge to Europe. Adapting to Innovation Based Growth, Aldershot: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 1-20.
Dalum, B., Freeman, C., Simonetti, R., Von Tunzelmann, N. and B. Verspagen, 1999, ‘Europe and the Information and Communications Technologies Revolution’, Chapter 5 in: Fagerberg, J., Guerrieri, P. and B. Verspagen, (eds.), 1999, The Economic Challenge to Europe. Adapting to Innovation Based Growth, Aldershot: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 106-129.
Cappelen, A., Fagerberg, J. and B. Verspagen, 1999, ‘Lack of regional Convergence’, Chapter 6 in: Fagerberg, J., Guerrieri, P. and B. Verspagen, (eds.), 1999, The Economic Challenge to Europe. Adapting to Innovation Based Growth, Aldershot: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 1-20.
Maurseth, P.-B. and B. Verspagen, 1999, ‘Europe: One or Several Systems of Innovation? An Analysis based on Patent Citations’, chapter 7 in: Fagerberg, J., Guerrieri, P. and B. Verspagen, (eds.), 1999, The Economic Challenge to Europe. Adapting to Innovation Based Growth, Aldershot: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 1-20.
Verspagen, B., 1999, ‘European ‘Regional Clubs’: Do They Exist, and Where Are They Heading? On Economic and Technological Differences between European Regions’, in: Adams, J. and F. Pigliaru (eds), Economic Growth and Change. National and Regional Patterns of Convergence and Divergence, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 236-256.
Verspagen, B. and J. Fagerberg, 1998, ‘Integrazione e divergenza tra le regioni europee’, in: P. Guerrieri and M. Pianta (Eds), Tecnologia, Crescita e Occupazione, Napoli: CUEN.
Silverberg, G. and B. Verspagen, 1998, ‘Economic Growth and Economic Evolution: A Modelling Perspective’, in: Schweitzer, F. And G. Silverberg (Eds), Evolution and Self-Organization in Economics, Jahrbuch für Komplexität in den Natur-, Sozial und Geisteswissenschaften, Band 9, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.
Silverberg, G. and B. Verspagen, 1998, ‘Economic Growth as an Evolutionary Process’, in: Lesourne, J. and A. Orléan (eds), Advances in Self-Organization and Evolutionary Economics, London: Economica, pp. 265-296.
Van Essen, M. and B. Verspagen, 1998, ‘Technology Characteristics of the Dutch Economy’, in: R. van Hoesel and R. Narula (eds), Multinational Enterprises from the Netherlands, London: Routledge, pp. 61-83.
Silverberg and B. Verspagen, 1997, ‘The Selection of Behavioral Conventions in an Evolutionary Model of Economic Dynamics’, in: Fang, F. and M. Sanglier (eds), Complexity and Self-Organization in Social and Economic Systems, Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 196-214.
Silverberg, G. and B. Verspagen, 1997, ‘Economic Growth: An Evolutionary Perspective’, in: J. Reijnders (ed.), Economics and Evolution, Aldershot: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Verspagen, B. and K. Wakelin, 1997, ‘Technology, Employment and Trade: Perspectives on European Integration’, in: Fagerberg, J., Hansson, P., Lundberg, L., and A. Melchior (eds), Technology and International Trade, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp. 56-74.
Silverberg and B. Verspagen, 1996, ‘From the Artificial to the Endogenous: Modeling Evolutionary Adaptation and Economic Growth’, in: E. Helmstädter and M. Perlman (eds), Behavioral Norms, Technological Progress, and Economic Dynamics. Studies in Schumpeterian Economics, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, pp. 331-371.
Verspagen, B., 1996, ‘Technology Indicators and Economic Growth in the European Area: Some Empirical Evidence’, in: B. Van Ark and N. Crafts (eds), Comparative Experience of Economic Growth in Postwar Europe, Cambridge UP: Cambridge, pp. 215-243.
Fagerberg, J., Verspagen, B. and N. Von Tunzelmann, 1994, ‘The Economics of Convergence and Divergence: An Overview’, in Fagerberg, J., Verspagen, B. and N. Von Tunzelmann (eds), The Dynamics of Technology, Trade and Growth, Aldershot: Edward Elgar.
Beelen and B. Verspagen, 1994, ‘The Role of Convergence in Trade and Sectoral Growth’, in Fagerberg, J., Verspagen, B and N. Von Tunzelmann (eds), The Dynamics of Technology, Trade and Growth, Aldershot: Edward Elgar.
Soete, L. and B. Verspagen, 1994, ‘Competing for Growth: The Dynamics of Technology Gaps’, in: L.L. Pasinetti and R.M. Solow (eds), Economic Growth and the Structure of Long-Term Development, New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Verspagen B., 1994, ‘Technology and Growth: The Complex Dynamics of Convergence and Divergence’, in: Silverberg, G. and Soete, L. (eds), The Economics of Growth and Technical Change, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1994.
Soete, L. and B. Verspagen, 1993, ‘Convergenza e divergenza tra le economie avanzate’ (Convergence and divergence of advanced economies, in Italian), Economia e Politica Industriale, No. 79, September.
Verspagen, B., 1993, ‘Trade and Knowledge Spill-overs in an Evolutionary Model of Growth Rate Differentials’, in: Wagner, A. (ed.), Dezentrale Entscheidungsfindung bei externen Effekten, Tübingen: Francke Verlag, pp. 189-218.
Soete, L. and B. Verspagen, 1993, ‘Technology and Growth. The Complex Dynamics of Catching Up, Falling Behind and Taking Over’, in: Pilat, D., Szirmai, E. and B. van Ark (eds), Explaining Economic Growth, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 101-127.
Verspagen, B., 1992, ‘An Evolutionary Approach to Why Growth Rates Differ’, in: Blaas, W. and J. Foster (eds.), The Mixed Economies In Europe, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 272-295.
Soete, L. and B. Verspagen, 1991, ‘Recent Comparative Trends in Technology Indicators in the OECD Area’, in: Technology and Productivity. The Challenge for Economic Policy, Paris, OECD.
Verspagen, B., 1989, ‘Localized Technological Change, Factor Substitution and the Productivity Slowdown’, in: Freeman, C. and L. Soete (eds), New Explorations in the Economics of Technological Change, London: Pinter, pp. 193-211.