Soete, L. and B. Verspagen, 2010, 'Remembering Christopher Freeman's work at MERIT', African Journal on Science, Technology, Innovation, and Development, vol. 2, pp. 175-183.
Windrum, P. and B. Verspagen, 2009, Introduction to a Special Issue on the regional Dimensions of Innovation, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 20, pp. 161-162. Link at publisher/DOI
Verspagen, B., 2004, book review of A.B. Jaffe and M. Trajtenberg, Editors, Patents, Citations & Innovations: A Window on the Knowledge Economy, MIT Press, 2002, in Research Policy, vol. 33, pp. 1709-1711. Link at publisher/DOI
Szirmai, A. and B. Verspagen, 2003, Introduction to a Special Issue on Technology and the Economy, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 14, pp. 361-364. Link at publisher/DOI
Los, B. and B. Verspagen, 2002, ‘An Introduction to the Analysis of Systems of Innovation: Scientific and Technological Interdependencies’, Economic Systems Research, vol. 14, pp. 315-322 (introduction to a special issue of the journal). Link at publisher/DOI
Landesmann, M. and B. Verspagen, 2000, ‘Economic Growth, Trade and Technology ’, introduction to a special issue of Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 11 (4), pp. 367-370. Link at publisher/DOI
Verspagen, B. 1998, 'Introduction to a special issue on the Evolutionary Analysis of Technological Change', Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 9, pp. 1-3. Link at publisher/DOI
Verspagen, B., 1998, ‘The Analysis and Measurement of Economic Growth’, book review of two books by Angus Maddison, The Review of Income and Wealth, 44, 143-149. Link at publisher/DOI
Verspagen, B., 1996, ‘On technological convergence among countries. A comment on Patel and Pavitt’, Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 5, pp. 897-901. Link at publisher/DOI
Translation from Dutch to English of J. van Gelderen, ‘Springtide. Reflections on Industrial Development and Price Movements’, in: C. Freeman (ed.), 1996, Long Wave Theory, Aldershot: Edward Elgar (original reference in Dutch: J. Fedder (pseudonym for J. van Gelderen), ‘Springvloed. Beschouwingen over Industrieele Ontwikkeling en prijsbeweging’, De Nieuwe Tijd, 1913 (appeared in three separate issues).
Verspagen, B., 1995, ‘Catch-up and convergence: on the pitfalls of the social capability to catch up. A comment on Bruno Amable’, International Review of Applied Economics, vol 9, 96-7. Link at publisher/DOI
Verspagen, B., 1994, Book Review of ‘Competitiveness, Convergence and International Specialization’, by Dollar, D. and E.N. Wolff, Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1993, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol XXXII (June), 727-729.
Verspagen, B., 1993, Book Review of ‘Technological and Social Factors in Long Term Fluctuations’ by Di Matteo, M., Goodwin, R.M. and A. Vercelli (eds.), New York/Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1989, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol 4. Link at publisher/DOI
Verspagen, B., 1992, Comment on ‘Great Depressions as Transitional Phases within the Capitalist Mode of Production’ by Thomas Kuczynski, in: Kleinknecht, A., Mandel, E. and I. Wallerstein (eds.), 1992, New Findings in Long Wave Research, Macmillan.
Verspagen, B., 1990, ‘De Lange Golf in de Ekonomie’ (Conference report, in Dutch), Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, jg. 12, no. 3, pp. 141-145.
Verspagen, B., 1990, ‘Lange Golven: Kondratiev Overtroffen’ (Book review of ‘Long Waves in Economic Development’ by J. Reijnders, Gower, 1990; in Dutch), Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 112-117.
Verspagen, B., 1990, ‘Regional Dynamics, Technological Change and Long Run Fluctuations: A Comment’, Tinbergen Institute Research Bulletin, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 217-219.
Verspagen, B., 1989, ‘Ups and Downs - The Long Wave Debate’ (Conference report), Futures, vol. 21, no. 3 (June), pp. 295-297. Link at publisher/DOI