De Boer, P.J., Faber, D., Gielen, M., De Haas van Dorsser, S., Den Hertog, P., Janssen, M., Vankan, A. & B. Verspagen, 2019, Evaluatie WBSO 2011-2017, Utrecht: Dialogic, link at government website
Listed Contributor to the joint 2019 ADB-BAPPENAS Report "Policies to Support the development of Indonesia's Manufacturing Sector during 2020-2014", Asian Development Bank. DOI
Listed Contributor to the 2016 Asian Development Outlook, Asian Development Bank, Part 3 "Asia's Potential Growth", link at the ADB
Den Hertog, P., A. Vankan, B. Verspagen, P. Mohnen, L. Korlaar, B. Erven. M. Janssen, en B. Minne, Evaluatie innovatiebox 2010-2012, Dialogic research report. Link at Dutch parliament website.
Verspagen, 2015, 'Technological change, structural transformation and economic growth', chapter 2 in Industrial Development Report 2016. The role of technology and innovation in inclusive and sustainable industrial Development, UNIDO, Vienna, pp. 21-48 (the report does not attribute authorship specifically to the chapter).
Avenyo, E.K., C.-L. Chien, Hollanders, H., Marins, L., Schaaper, M. & B. Verspagen, 2015, 'Tracking trends in innovation and mobility', chapter 2 in UNESCO Science Report. Towards 2030, pp. 56-83.
Frenken. K., Kleinkecht, A. and B. Verspagen, 2013, 'Innovatie Canon', Economisch Statistische Berichten, no. 4656, pp. 184-187.
Verspagen, B., 2010, 'Ooggetuigen: Het Afrikaanse equivalent van de euro', Economisch Statistische Berichten, no. 4592, pp. 532-533.
Soete, L. en B. Verspagen, 2009, "Reactie op: Indicatoren voor innovatie zijn contraproductief", Economisch Statistische Berichten, no. 4538 (9 januari), pp. 92-93.
Van der Steen, M. en B. Verspagen, 2008. 'Het verzilveren van universitaire kennis', Economisch Statistische Berichten, no. 4537 (13 juni), pp. 326-329.
B. Verspagen, 2006. 'Verder achterop in de kenniseconomie', Tijdschrift voor Openbare Financiën, vol. 37, pp. 264-267.
Soete, L., Verspagen, B., 2005, Innovatie in Nederland: de markt faalt, de overheid draalt, Economisch Statistische Berichten, no. 4450, 14 januari 2005.
Verspagen, B., 2001, ‘Economic Growth and Technological Change: An Evolutionary Interpretation’, OECD Directorate for Science, technology and Industry, STI Working Papers, 2001/1
Verspagen, B. (ed.), Technology, Economic Integration and Social Cohesion: The Policy Challenges, Policy Report of the TSER Project ‘Technology, Economic Integration and Social Cohesion’, Maastricht, August 1999.
Verspagen, B., 1999, ‘The Economic Importance of Patents’, paper prepared for the WIPO Arab regional Symposium on the Economic Importance of Intellectual Property Rights, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, February 22-24, 1999.
Verspagen, B., 1999, ‘The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in technology Transfer’, paper prepared for the WIPO Arab regional Symposium on the Economic Importance of Intellectual Property Rights, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, February 22-24, 1999.
Verspagen, B. and H. Hollanders, 1998, ‘De Nederlandse Innovatie-achterstand’ (Comment), in Economisch Statistische Berichten, 10-4-1998, pp. 290-291.
Essen, M. van and B. Verspagen, 1997, STEMMING 4. De Nederlandse technologische positie: de specialisatie in high-tech handel (The Dutch technological position: specialization in high-tech trade, in Dutch), report for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Essen, M. van and B. Verspagen, 1997, ‘De Nederlandse deelname aan Europese Framework Programmes, 1988-1997 (Dutch participation in European Framework Programmes, in Dutch), report for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Slabbers, M. and B. Verspagen, 1996, ‘De Nederlandse deelname aan Europese Framework Programmes, 1988-1995 (Dutch participation in European Framework Programmes, in Dutch), report for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Slabbers, M. and B. Verspagen, 1996, STEMMING 3. De Nederlandse technologische positie: de rol van de publieke kennisinfrastructuur (The Dutch technological position: the role of the publis knowledge infrastructure, in Dutch), report for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
R.J.W. Tijssen, B. Verspagen, Th. N. van Leeuwen and M. Slabbers, 1996, Het Nederlands Observatorium van Wetenschap en Technologie. Wetenschaps- en technologie-Indicatoren 1996 (The Dutch Observatory for Science and Technology. Science and Technology Indicators 1996, in Dutch), report for the Dutch Ministry of Education and Science.
Slabbers, M. and B. Verspagen, 1995, ‘STEMMING 2. De Nederlandse technologische positie en de invloed van globalisering’ (The Dutch technological position and the impact of globalization, in Dutch), report for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Slabbers, M. and B. Verspagen, 1995, ‘De Nederlandse deelname aan Europese Framework Programmes, 1988-1994 (Dutch participation in European Framework Programmes, in Dutch), report for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Verspagen, M. Lankhuizen, M. Oude Wansink, M. Slabbers and E. Steinmueller, 1995, ‘Technologie en werkgelegenheid. Vier facetten studies’ (Technology and employment, four case studies, in Dutch), report for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Slabbers and B. Verspagen, 1995, ‘De technologie positie van de Nederlandse economie in internationaal perspectief (The Dutch technological position in an international perspective, in Dutch), in: A.F.A Korsten, A.F.M. Bertrand and J.M.L.M Soeters (eds), Internationaal vergelijkend onderzoek, Den Haag: VUGA.
Verspagen, E. Roelofs and F. Kluytmans, 1995, Technologie in economisch perspectief (Technology from an economic perspective, in Dutch), in: H. Achterhuis, R. Smits, J. Geurts, A. Rip, E. Roelofs (eds), Technologie en Samenleving, Leuven/Apeldoorn: Garant.
Duysters, G. and B. Verspagen, 1994, ‘Internationalisering van Technologische Activiteiten’ (Globalization of Technological Activities, in Dutch), Economisch Statistische Berichten, 22 September 1994.
Slabbers, M. and B. Verspagen, 1994, ‘STEMMING 1. Een beoordeling van de Nederlandse technologische positie op basis van kwantitatieve indicatoren’ (An assessment of the Dutch technological position on the basis of quantitative indicators, in Dutch), report for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Corvers, R. Hassink, M. Slabbers and B. Verspagen, 1994, ‘Monotoring technology policy in Europe’, report for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
R.J.W. Tijssen, B. Verspagen, Th. N. van Leeuwen and M. Slabbers, 1994, Het Nederlands Observatorium van Wetenschap en Technologie. Wetenschaps- en technologie-Indicatoren 1994 (The Dutch Observatory for Science and Technology. Science and Technology Indicators 1994, in Dutch), report for the Dutch Ministry of Education and Science.
Contributor to The European Report on Science and Technology Indicators, Brussels, European Commission, DG XII, 1994 (preparation of Statistical Annex, text contributions to Chapters 1-3).
Soete, L. and B. Verspagen, 1993, ‘Europa en de Uitdagingen voor Technologie en Innovatie’ (Europe and the challenges for Technology and Innovation, in Dutch), in: Kremers, J.J.M. (eds.), Anticiperen op Europa: Uitdagingen voor het Financieel-Economisch Beleid van Nederland, Academic Service: Schoonhoven, pp. 249-270.
Soete, L. and B. Verspagen, 1993, ‘De Technologische Positie van de Nederlandse Industrie’ (The technological position of Dutch manufacturing, in Dutch), Economisch Statistische Berichten, 3 Maart 1993, No. 3900, pp. 196-200.
Soete, L. and B. Verspagen, 1993, ‘Onderwijs en Onderzoek: Voedingsbodem voor Groei’ (Education and research: foundations for growth, in Dutch), Economisch Statistische Berichten, 22 September 1993, No. 3929, pp. 876-879.
Verspagen, B., 1993, ‘Competing for Growth: Some Notes on the Evolution of Technology Gaps’, in: A. Inzelt (ed.), Innovation, Competition, Competitiveness, Budapest: IKU, pp. 37-51.
Caniëls, M.C.J. and B. Verspagen, 1992, ‘R&D-intensiteit bij Bedrijven: Hoopvol of Zorgwekkend?’ (R&D-intensity in Dutch Firms: Hope or Fear?, in Dutch), Economisch Statistische Berichten, 7 oktober 1992, No. 3880, pp. 978-9.
Limpens, I., Verspagen, B. and E. Beelen, 1992, Technology Policy in Eight European Countries: A Comparison, MERIT, report for the ministry of Economic Affairs of The Netherlands.
Soete, L., and B. Verspagen, 1992, METING 3. Een Overzicht uit de Databank ter Beoordeling van de Nederlandse Technologie- en Wetenschapspositie (An Overview of the Dutch International Science and Technology position, in Dutch), report for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Soete, L. and B. Verspagen, 1992, ‘Convergentie en divergentie in technologie, METING 4’ (technological convergence and divergence, in Dutch), report for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Soete, L. and B. Verspagen, 1992, ‘To Be or Not to Be Dutch’ (in Dutch, with English title), Economisch Statistische Berichten, 2 September 1992, No. 3875, pp. 848-9.
Dankbaar, B., Van Dijk, T., Soete, L. and B. Verspagen, 1991, Technologie en Wetenschapsbeleid in Veranderende Ekonomische Theorievorming, (Science and Technology Policy in the Light of Changing Economic Theory, in Dutch), Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid (Scientific Council for Government Policy), Voorstudies en Achtergronden Technologiebeleid, T5, Den Haag: SDU Uitgeverij.
Verspagen, B., 1989, INSTIR-evaluatie: de 100-uren grens en het M(K)B; een commentaar op B. Nooteboom, (Evaluation of the Dutch R&D Subsidy System: The Implications for Medium and Small Sized Firms. A Comment, in Dutch), Maandschrift Economie, jg. 53, no. 2, pp. 150-153.
Verspagen, B., 1988, Militaire Aktiviteiten en Werkgelegenheid in Zuid Limburg. Een Input-Output benadering, (Military Activities and Employment in the Southern Part of the Provence of Limburg. An Input Output Analysis, in Dutch), Maastricht: Wetenschapswinkel RL.
Kleinknecht, A., and B. Verspagen, 1987, R&D en Concurrentievermogen, (R&D and Competiveness, in Dutch), Economisch Statistische Berichten, jg. 72, no. 3601, pp. 343-345.